Dec 8, 2010 Life upon a Shelf Th? Gl?ss M?n?g?r?? by T?nn?ss?? W?ll??ms d?spl?ys th? l?bor of two p?opl? to f?t ?nto soc??ty, Tom ?nd L?ur?, ?nd how bombilate?n?ty wouldnt ?cc?pt th?m. Th?y w?r? th? dr??m?rs th?t w?r? un unspoiledly k?pt deliver up ?nd you m?y ?v?n go ?s f?r ?s to st?t? the p?rs?cut?d ?nto r?s?d?ng pop out ?nd ?loof l?k? th? oth?r dr??m?rs wh?ch ?r? comp?ll?d to b?com? out c?sts ?nd not ?ss?st with th? ?ct?v?t??s of ?ll. W?ll??ms surrounds L?ur? ?n ? soh?t?on from ? gentleman ?n wh?ch th?y d?s?r? to p?rt??ns to by ut?l?z?ng d?v?rs? figures. Th? symbol?c n?tur? of th? bon mot?fs conc??l?d ?ns?d? th? l?n?s of th?s pl?y prov?d?s m??n?ng to th? th?m? d?scov?r?d cons?st?nt ?ll through th? pl?y: p?rsons ?r? ?ll sol?ly ?n th? world. W?ll??ms br?ll??ntly ?llum?n?t?s th? conc?pt of ?sol?t?on through th? symbol?c us? of gl?ss. Th? symbol?sm of th? gl?ss ?s ?tt?ch?d w?th th? ch?r?ct?r of L?ur?. S?m?l?r to gl?ss, L?ur? ?s ?xc??d?ngly fr?g?l?. H?r instinct ? nd l?k?n?ss f?c?s th? l?k?l? sticker of b??ng ?ffortl?ssly ?mp??r?d ?nd d?stroy?d. H?r f??tur? ?s tr?g?c?lly tr?nsp?r?nt ?s ?t ?s ??sy to d?c?ph?r. How?v?r, gl?ss obj?cts, unl?k? ? d?cor?t?ng or ?m?g?, h?v? thr?? d?m?ns?ons. It ?s poss?bl? to ?n?lyz? ?v?ry ?dg? of L?ur?s fr?g?l? f??tur?, just ?s ?t ?s ? gl?ss f?gur?n?.

L?ur? ?s tr?pp?d ?nto ? mold of gl?ss, ?nc?p?bl? to mov? or br??k from ?ts p?tt?rn; sh? ?s tr?ck?d ?n h?r own world of ?l??n?t?on. A d?st?nct l?ghtw??ght gl?ss r?fl?cts ? r??nbow of ch?r?ct?r ?nd b??uty. S?m?l?r to th? r??nbow g?v?n off by gl?ss, L?ur? ??ds ch?r?ct?rs ?n ?ch??v?ng ? s?ns? of b??ut?ful ?nd d ark s?lf-?w?r?n?ss (Bun?n, 45). Th? ?llus?o! ns of L?ur? W?ngf??ld c?n b? ?ttr? further?d to h?r f??l?ng of commun?l ?sol?t?on; How?v?r, th?s? ?d?nt?c?l ?llus?ons only ?ss?st in str?ngth?ning ?nd ?mph?s?sing th?s? f??l?ngs ?nd ?n turn forc? h?r to cr?wl farther ?ns?d? h?r sh?ll. L?ur?s ?ncomp?t?nc? to conduct h?rs?lf ?n publ?c, h?r p?rp?tu?l n?rvousn?ss, ?nd h?r ov?rwh?lm?ng s?ns? of s?lf-consc?ousn?ss,...If you require to waste ones time a full essay, order it on our website:
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